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Yawkey Way Roadway Extension & Reconstruction

Boston, MA

Class of Work: Roadway


Location: Boston, MA


Owner: MassDOT

Project Start: April 2013


Project Completion: December 2014

Contract Amount: $5,000,000


Architect / Engineer: Vanesse Hangen Brustlin

Description and Scope of Work:

The work under this contract consisted of the construction of a new roadway named the Yawkey Way Extension, as well as the reconstruction of and connection of two existing streets, Maitland and Overland Street in Boston, MA. The main focus of the project was to complete pavement construction in order to create a more direct route for pedestrian access to the new Yawkey Commuter Rail Station.


The work of the original contract included: the unclassified excavation, stockpiling, transportation and disposal of contaminated soils, full depth Superpave asphalt paving, drainage improvements, installation of granite curbs, concrete walks and wheelchair ramps, water distribution system, sewer system, street lighting, pavement markings, and signs.


Subsequent to contract award, R. Zoppo Corp received Extra Work Orders to relocate a 42” BWSC water main, and to install a system of electric manholes and ductbanks for distribution of primary power to the areas served by the new roadways.


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